One of the most compelling aspects of the NCAA Basketball Tournament is that every team has everything on the line.  Either they win, and move on to a potential Final Four berth, or they lose and go home.  The greatest fear of these athletes and coaches is to go One and Done.

A lot of people feel that way about their motions for custody.  They invest a great deal of time, effort, and money into seeking to obtain custody over their child, because of problems that they see in their child’s life that can be helped by obtaining primary custody of the child.

You should not feel that way.  A custody motion should never be construed as a “one and done” situation.  If a person loses a custody motion, they are still one of two parents of that child.  The child will always need that parent in their life.  Losing a motion does not destroy a relationship with the child, nor terminate the parent’s relationship with the child.

Even though a custody motion should not be construed as a “one and done” situation, you should obtain an attorney that will prepare as if the motion is a “one and done” situation, and that will fight as if it’s a “one and done” situation.  Custody challenges are an enormous investment, both emotionally and financially.  Take the time to hire an attorney that will treat the challenge accordingly.  Take the time to call the Law Offices of Gregory Dean.

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